Using Informal and Formal Status Symbols in Your Orgazination to Advance Your career

Using Informal and Formal Status Symbols in Your Orgazination to Advance Your career

You want to get ahead in life and your career .
Formal status symbols in a business setting tend to come with promotion. In other words, you have to earn them. They're badges of rank in the corporate army.

Some of the most common ones a re:
- a reserved parking space next to the building
- an office with a window (corner offices and those on top floors best)
- executive dining room privileges
- wet bar in office
- jacuzzi adjoining office
- Blackberry email device supplied by the company
- a private secretary
- first-class travel privileges
- designer lamps and furniture as well as LCD computer monitors

Although you as a management standoff wanabee might not qualify for some of the above status symbols, they may be able to come up with reasonable facsimiles. Perhaps you don't rate a reserved parking spot right next to the building, for example, but maybe you can wangle one in the reserved lot, which is better than hiking three blocks from the general parking area like the rest of the peons.

Make it your business to say nice things to the secretary who handles such matters. It also pays to befriend people like the head of facilities and maintenance, who would be in a position to install a better office rug or wall­paper than you deserve. Check Dale Carnegie's timeless book How to Win Friends and Influence People for the finer points of dealing with such folks.

You may decide it's politically expedient to spend your own money for things that the company won't supply, such as a that Blackberry or that newest GSM cellular phone and high-class office furnishings.

Outsiders, new employees, and casual visitors who don't know the difference will think your expensive trappings came with the territory. If somebody is rude enough to ask, "How did you rate this?" just smile and shrug your shoulders. That adds to your mystique.

Informal status symbols are another matter. These are often adopted by the informal organization, and their importance varies from one company or depar ment to the next. For example it has been reported reported that some managers like to display computer software running as status symbols.

The " authority " with such a " display " may not the first thing about these products and as well may be totally technically inept at any computer skills.

As well think of a bank of thin LCD computer monitors as s little more than a string of dim lamp bulbs . The more impressive upcomimg compuitermodels to display includes Microsoft Office System 2007 beta 2 Software , computer web pages locked at Sourceforgenet especially dealing those sourceforge computer project s involving security , corporate firewall amd encryption projects As well it always helps to display the latest Beta release Microsoft Software such as the upcoming vaporware operating sytem Vista , To give you and idea the previous incorporation of the upcomiing Vista Operating Sytem was previously called " Longhorn ".

All of these programs are for the most part mythical .

They are always changing due to the nature of deadlines and the infighting and childish nature and poor typing skills of computer programmers.

No one can really ever refute your expertise or call your bluff seriousl.

Anyone who would is either a liar or fool and is certainly not your competitor in the quest for management or promotion in another field .

And ianyways ts not as if the others you are trying to upscale have not had enough trouble with their current version of Windows or the computer systems they struggle with .

If you find it difficult to upscale others you can also leave computer screens locked on those program screens and informtatiional websites As well instuctional cds or reviews on these amu other opearating systems or programs may be left arouind for display and demo purposes .

And it never hurts to try to display that you are always in the process of upgrrading your skills and knowlege as a demonstration of your time management and management evaluation and decision making skills.

Its always good to pretend that you are mastering a Linux distro or the Sum microsytem server systems.

As well i 's noteworthy that there aree computer programs easily available to help you pretend that you are busy 28 hours a days .

With the touch of a key, a model of a work project can be thrown up on your expensive neat LCD monitor while in actuality you were really the web for travel sites on your upcoming foreign vacation , or smply playing solitaire A handy feature for when your boss walks in the door.
Most informal status symbols revolve around personal or office accessories. These include Blackberrys, and higer end business notebook computers systems

As well these props should have silent attestment to their value - both of their stature and of the essential value of the data they contain.

Expensive locks , encryprion and satellite tracking security systems to protect your laptop from theft scream out the importance of your notebook computer and its data on which the whole future of your firm revolve around .

As an up and comer you should consider acquiring one portable communiation devices such as those notebooks computers even if your firm will not provide them to you .

As well consider the imporance of Blackberry portable email systems and high end GSM phones because ultimately they may prove to be an wise and imporant investment in your career.

A Blackberry unit linked to the corporate communication and computer system for example, implies that you're a dedicated manager who may need to summon the electronic genie at any hour of the night to elict data from your office files in order to solve some vital managent crisis .

Of course it is wise to point out that with simple planning that crisis may never have occurred

In this day and age you can even link your new GSM phone to your notebook for instant access anywhere in most of the world to head office.

Remember to often demonstrate your wireless abilty even if if is from a simple hotpsot not even your expsnsive GSM phone / Internet connection .

Just like an empty briefcase being carried out at the end of the day or work week it doesn't hurt to be seen carrying your notebook computer or Blackberry to and from work, either. You certainly look more progressive and farsighted than colleagues

Remember these and other silently promoted Corporate status symbols can advance your career in any of a number of important ways.


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